Make Crypto Great Again!

Contract: BpBHgfpmpicBpbhLVbPX2iTtgdAb8HDBe1VUCvNdpump


Total Supply


Standard Pump.Fun Supply

Tax Structure

5% Buy / 5% Sell

Platform Standard Tax

Initial Liquidity

90% Locked

Secured by Pump.Fun


Phase 1: The Rally 🚀

Launch on Pump.Fun Platform

Initial Marketing Blast

Telegram Community Building

First 1,000 Patriots Onboard

Phase 2: The Movement 🌟

Trending on Pump.Fun

Viral Meme Campaign

Patriot NFT Collection

Community Growth to 5,000

Phase 3: The Victory 🏆

Major Influencer Partnerships

Election Season Marketing

Victory Celebration Events

Future Development Voting